The Nightshift: World News Daily

Press Clippings Embed from Getty Images People, Places, and Events for 31  October 2020. Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay out of Trouble Actor Sean Connery, The First (and best) James Bond, Dies at 90 Desperation: Trump Claims Doctors Are Classifying Deaths as Covid-Related...

The Nightshift: World News Daily

Press Clippings Embed from Getty Images People, Places, and Events for 29  October 2020. Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay out of Trouble  Stocks Drop:  Worst Day in 4 Months.  US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Pushes Trump’s China Agenda on Trip to Indonesia Terror in...

The Nightshift: World News Daily

Press Clippings Embed from Getty Images Dodgers Finally Win A World Series (It’s Been A While…) The Market Speaks: Stocks Slide on Pandemic, American Election, Uncertainty The Voice of America Gets Politicized; Another Outrage From The U.S. Administration...