Special Travel Edition

All of the News and Links in Condensed Travel-Size Format. 

The Front Page Links

New York Times Morning Briefing

The Times (London)

Financial Times (UK)

The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland)

The Wall Street Journal (European edition)

Washington Post (Washington, D.C.)

New York Times (New York)

The Boston Globe (Boston)

The Guardian

The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles)

Daily News Egypt (Cairo)

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)

The Moscow Times (Moscow)

Italian Newspapers in English

Le Figaro (Paris)

Bloomberg.com (New York)

The Toronto Star

The Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem)

The Japanese Times (Tokyo)

The Local (Oslo)

The Local (Italy)

Sputnik (Moscow)

The Buenas Aires Herald (Buenas Aires)

The Sidney Morning Herald (Sidney)

Deadline Hollywood (Hollywood)

FiveThirtyEight (New York City)

Politico (Washington, DC)

Lawfareblog (Washington, DC)

Wired (San Francisco, CA)

The Weather Channel

CNN News Text Site

Fast Company Compass Newsletter

Ars Technica  

Agence France-Presse

McClatchy DC Bureau



Oil Prices Dot Com

Air Force Times

Straits Times (Singapore)

NOAA/National Hurricane Center (Miami)

Golf WRX

Sports Business Journal (US)

The New York Times Sports Section (NYC)

The Fine Print: This is a short form version of The Nightshift and is post number 2277 for this site.The Nightshift is a continually evolving experiment in news communications and is a production of Perception Engineering and The Media Bunker. Currently, The Nightshift staff is developing  very streamlined graphic/display approaches to news distribution and it will appear from time to time–like today.  Thanks for reading. Now–catch up on the world .Entire Contents (c) 2019, Donald Pierce, All Rights Reserved